Virus protection for your Network or single PC is becoming more important. The number of viruses (virii) that can affect you is growing at an incredible rate. The area with the most growth has been in the Macro virus arena. HiTech Innovations, Inc. can help you decide which of the many virus protection methods you need and help you put them in place to make your company protected from these data destroyers.
Macro viruses (virii) are created in applications that support a macro language. Examples are Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. These two applications happen to have a large market share and are targets of Macro virus writers, macro virus creation isn't limited to just these two applications though.
The Cost of Viruses in 1999, Viruses last year cost industry over $12 billion in virus eradication and productivity loss. Companies should closely examine their protection spending.
Some of the major anti-virus software companies are: