HiTech Innovations, Inc. can help you get connected to the Internet. There are many ways to get connected to the Internet with many options, we can help you sort these options out and get you connected quickly.
ISDN is a relatively inexpensive way to get connected to the Internet. You can use this connection as a dial on demand connection or you can have it "nailed up" for a constant connection to the Internet. You have a choice of 64k BPS or 128k BPS connections.
T - 1
For a very fast and generally expensive connection you can't do much better than a T-1 connection. 1.544 MBPS may be the right bandwidth for web page hosting, e-commerce applications. If you expect to get a considerable amount of traffic then you might consider this type of connection.
x D S L
DSL connections have become very popular here in the Twin Cities recently.
Qwest has a fairly large area that they cover for DSL connections. There are some distance issues involved with this connection so unfortunately not everyone can get an ADSL connection. This is a fast and cheap full-time connection to the Internet.
F r a m e R e l a y
Frame Relay connections can be almost as fast as a T-1 connection but not nearly as expensive to maintain.
F i r e w a l l
If you have a full time connection to the Internet then you should probably have a firewall of some kind in place. For most connections a small, single box type of solution like a SonicWall should be more than adequate.
W e b S e r v e r
There are many web servers out there from free ones to very expensive e-commerce solutions. We can help you decide which of these options best suits your needs and abilities.
E - M a i l
This is the main reason most people are getting connected to the Internet. E-Mail has made more of an impact on businesses than the FAX machine! There are some very compelling E-Mail solutions available and we can help you decide which one is the best for you.
V P N ( V i r t u a l P r i v a t
e N e t w o r k i n g )
Why spend money for long distance connections when you don't have to. With today's VPN connections, you can use the Internet to replace these connections and save money. These connections can also be used to provide secure remote connections for your road warriors.